About Sandra

Hi ! Welcome to KaLaSandra, my space of Co-Creation and
This is my project of sharing my gifts and inspirations through art, writing and life experiences.

My name is Sandra Dols Rodríguez. I started making jewelry more than 10 years ago in a turning point of my life. Since then, this passion has accompanied me in all my life processes becoming a way of creating and expressing the wisdom of my soul.

In the quest of discovering who I am and trying to understand how life works, I walked through many different paths, from Science to Holistic therapies and Arts. They are all part of my own journey of healing as a woman, as a mother, and as a Human Being.

When I say Feminine Power, I am referring to Our Physical Body, to our Uterus. The soil of Material Creation. I feel and it’s my experience that choosing to breathing, listening, respecting, relaxing, and honouring this space, being fully present, brings me to my Feminine Wisdom. This is a journey of connection, intimacy and healing. Healing the relationship with myself and with my loved ones. It is the journey of opening our hearts.

I believe we’re all creating our lives, and I feel that by consciously weaving our threads, we can consciously co-create our life that it’s also interwoven with the rest of Humanity and Mother Earth.

So it is my intention to create this space of Kalasandra in harmony with the feminine rhythms of life, honouring our cycles and inner truth, and consciously creating from a place of Joy, Peace and Love, and of Sustainability, Balance and Spiritual energy.

Born in Barcelona, I am writing this in Montreal, where I live with my husband and daughter. I want to acknowledge and honour to all who have made this possible, starting from my parents, my blood brother, my husband and daughter, and to all my sisters and brothers I have met during my lifetime. Namasté
